Shaping transformation of occupational medicine and digital health | #digitalhealth, #digitalhealthcare, #arbeitsmedizin, #innovation, #neverstoplearning | Facharzt für Arbeitsmedizin mit Industrie- und Führungserfahrung, Master of Health Business Administration [MHBA], PowerMBA (ExecutiveMBA) [ThePower Business School], Weiterbilder und Weiterbildungsbefugter für Zusatzbezeichnung Betriebsmedizin (Weiterbildungsbefugnis), Ärztliches Qualitätsmanagement, Anästhesist, Notfallmedizin, Medizininformatiker, Gesundheitsökonom, Berater bei agiler Softwareentwicklung/Consultant, Führungskraft/Leader und Coach, Keynote Speaker, Digital Health Expert/Advisor/Berater und Enthusiast, Stratege, Vordenker, Innovator, Prozessoptimierer und Transformator, Leiter und Moderator von Führungskräftewerkstätten inklusive kollegialer Beratung, Leiter Steuerungskreis für Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement (BGM), Autor, Dozent, Visionär, Data Science: Natural Language Processing und Image Segmentation mit Python, Scrum Master, Product Owner, Team Kanban Practitioner (TKP), Agile Coach, Lean Six Sigma Green Belt, Design Thinking Professional, DevOps, OKR Master Certified Professional, OKR Champion Certified Professional, Qualitätsmanager, Certified ISO/IEC 27001 Internal Auditor, Certified ISO 22301 Internal Auditor for Business Continuity Management (BCM), Qualitätszirkel-Moderator, Innovation Management Certified Professional, Reisemediziner, DTG-Zertifikate Reisemedizin und Arbeitsaufenthalt in den Tropen, ehemalige Gelbfieberimpfstelle, Zusatzbezeichnung Suchtmedizinische Grundversorgung, Psychosomatische Grundversorgung für Arbeits- und Betriebsmediziner, ehrenamtlicher Digitaler Ersthelfer im Cyber-Sicherheitsnetzwerk (Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik)
Summary points
What was already known on the topic
Evaluation of hospital information systems is very complex and depends on the perspective of the reviewer with regard to focus and derived criteria.
Efficient data processing is a significant productivity and quality factor for hospitals.
German hospitals fall far behind in international comparison when it comes to digitalization and implementation of integrated systems and show high backlog demand.
Previous evaluation criteria focused on single aspects, institutions or user groups instead of efficiency of an entire hospital and its interdisciplinary stakeholders.
What this study added to our knowledge
In contrast to the common view that it is hardly possible to represent all relevant departments and requirements of interdisciplinary stakeholders in form of evaluation criteria, this has been achieved.
Unique is the wider perspective on primary consideration of comprehensive practical and reduction of cross-functional requirements concerning technical aspects to a minimum.
Previous catalogues for evaluation criteria can be used for screening due to smaller scope and lower level of detail. These are easier to handle and allow for quick results. The far-reaching criteria of this study can be applied in a subsequent step for a precise and specific analysis to derive concrete improvement potentials contributing to increase in efficiency of everyday hospital life and interdisciplinary collaboration.
The developed and successfully tested criteria may be used both for improvement of an already existing implementation and for selection of the most suitable application when acquiring new software.
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